Friday, December 26, 2008

Symptoms of Cancer Disease

Earlier it was a fallacy that cancer, one of the life threatening diseases is non-curable. Undoubtedly cancer diseases are deadly, but modern technology and research have made it a possible to cure it. Lung cancer is one of the most common cancers and when cells grow unnaturally in the tissue of the lung it is called lung cancer. The abnormal cells gradually invading the nearby tissues increase to other part of the body. Clinically there are two types of lung cancer namely- Small cell lung cancer (SCLC) and Non small cell lung cancer (NSCLC): the second one is more common and it is sub-divided into types according to the nature of the cells, the types are - adenocarcinoma, large cell carcinoma, and squamous cell carcinoma.

The symptoms of lung cancer occur mostly in the severe stage. The symptoms are Cough Chest pain, Shortness of breath, Blood or bloody phlegm in cough, New onset hoarseness or wheezing, Pneumonia or bronchitis, Weight loss, Loss of appetite, Fatigue, Bone pain, Dizziness or double vision, Numbness or tingling in your arms or legs, Turning yellow (jaundice) and Seizures.

Once the patient is doubted with possibility of lung cancer, the doctor suggests some tests for the diagnosis like Chest X-rays, CT scan, and sputum cytology for examination of phlegm and Biopsy. If the patient is diagnosed with lung cancer, the physicians start the treatment depending on the stage of the disease. The cancer specialists categorize it into types examining the nature of the cells. After proper diagnosis of the disease as well the patient the doctors start the treatment of cancer disease like any other treatment of cancer. The treatments of lung cancer are surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, Targeted Therapies/Biologic Therapies, Photodynamic Therapy, Follow-up testing.

Cancer treatment in India is now affordable and Apollo cancer centers provide quality cancer treatments to all types of cancer.

Cancer Symptoms Cancer Treatment

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