Monday, December 15, 2008

Lung Cancer Information

The cell growth in tissues of lungs in excess might be the cause of lung cancer that leads to metastasis which is infiltration and adjacent tissues beyond the lungs. Lung cancer is the most common cause of death for men and women as well. According to the survey,its found that 90% death of lung cancer patient caused by cigarette smoking.

Symptoms of Lung Cancer:

* Shortness of breath
* Coughing up blood
* Weight loss
* Chest pain
* Shortness of breath
* New onset hoarseness
* Pneumonia or bronchitis
* Loss of appetite
* Fatigue
* Bone pain
* Dizziness or double vision
* Numbness or tingling in your arms or legs
* Turning yellow
* Seizures

Types of lung cancer:

* Small cell lung carcinoma
* Non-Small cell lung carcinoma

The treatment available for Small cell lung carcinoma is surgery and non-small cell lung carcinoma are treated by radiation or chemotherapy. Another options for treatment is radiotherapy, chemotherapy and surgery. Lung cancer might be occured in non smokers and may affected by air pollution, genetic factors and asbestos. Lung cancer treatment depends upon the prognosis type of cancer, stage of cancer and performance status as well. The diagnosis of lung cancer is done by biopsy and CT Scan.
For more info Click Here...

Lung cancer Lung cancer treatment Symptoms of lung cancer

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