Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Cancer Disease Information

Cancer in medical term known as malignant neoplasm is a diseases in which a group of cells displays uncontrolled growth, invasion and metastasis that spread to other locations in the body through blood. The cancer differentiate these malignant properties from benign tumors, which are self limited, metastasize. Most cancers tumor like leukemia, do not. The medicine concerned through study, treatment, diagnosis and oncology is the prevention of cancer. Cancer might be affected people at all ages, fetuses. The risk for most varieties increases with age. Cancer causes about 30% of all deaths. As per to the (ACS) American Cancer Society, 7.6 million people has been died from cancer all over the world in 2007. Cancers mey affect all animals as well.

The abnormalities caused of all cancers in the genetic material of the transformed cells. These abnormalities occurs due to the effects of carcinogens :

* Tobacco smoke

* Radiation

* Chemicals

* Infectious agents

* DNA replication

* Inherited

Usually the heritability of cancers are affected through complex interactions between carcinogens and the genome. Modern aspects of the genetics cancer pathogenesis, such as DNA methylation, and microRNAs. Diagnosis requires the histologic examine by a pathologist of a tissue biopsy specimen, the initial indication of malignancy may be symptoms or radiographic imaging abnormalities.

Most cancers may be treated and few cured, that depends on specific type, stage and location. After diagnosis, usually cancer is treated with a combination of surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy. As research develops, treatments are becoming more specific for different types of cancer. In the development of targeted therapy drugs significant progress has been done that act specially on detectable molecular abnormalities in tumors, which recuces damage to normal cells. The cancer prognosis patients is influenced by the one of cancer type, and the stage as well, or disease extent. In addition, the presence of specific molecular markers and histologic grading can also be useful in prognosis, determining individual treatments as well.

Cancer Cancer Treatment Cancer surgery

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