Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Breast cancer information

Breast cancer is a type of cancer disease may be found in women and men also. Breast cancer occurs in cells of women breast. Its the most common cancer disease after lung cancer. Breast cancer may be found in the form of Inflammatory breast cancer that
is the ductal carcinoma forms in ducts and lobular carcinoma.

Breast cancer can be describes in the following manner:

*Grade of tumor
*Protein and gene expression
*Tumor stage

Chance of developing breast cancer depends on increasing age, risks in off springs, radioactive rays and harmful chemicals may increased the risk of breast disease. There are two types of cancer found that is Ductal carcinoma and Lobular carcinoma. According to a survey its found that 80% of cases of breast cancer developed lump feelings in women. The lump found in nodes of lymph which is placed in armpits.

Symptoms of breast cancer:

*Changes in breast shape and size
*nipple inversion
*single nipple discharge
*skin dimpling
*Breast pain

Breast pain, redness and warmth, swelling, orange peel skin on whole breast are the symptoms of Inflammatory breast cancer. Breast cancer treatment is done by surgery with hormonal therapy, radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

For more info Click Here...
Breast cancer Breast cancer treatment Breast cancer symptoms Breast surgery

1 comment:

  1. One of my relative sisters was diagnosed with cervical cancer (Squamous cell carcinoma) in December, 2007. Initially she had some symptoms like lower left pelvis, weakness in her left leg, sensitivity in her bladder, etc. As a medical professional I have good knowledge on cervical cancer and its rising rate. But I never thought that it would happen to one of my sisters who leads a decent life. Earlier her doctor prescribed medicine for urinary tract infection after testing her vaginal discharge. It was going on; she did not recover from her pain and foul smelling discharge. Then her doctor recommended Pap test and last the truth of the disease came true (as I had some prediction).

    She, a working up-to-date woman lost her joviality and her family gave all responsibility to me to her treatment of cervical cancer. I know well it is possible in my country also, but for a quick and affordable treatment I suggested India as well as did all the formalities to search for a cancer center. I know well Apollo and contacted a medical tourism company working as a facilitator to Apollo Hospitals. Because the facilitators work more efficiently and quickly to satisfy their clients. Even India is now a cheaper destination for medical tourism.

    Cosmetic Surgery
