Friday, December 26, 2008
Symptoms of Cancer Disease
The symptoms of lung cancer occur mostly in the severe stage. The symptoms are Cough Chest pain, Shortness of breath, Blood or bloody phlegm in cough, New onset hoarseness or wheezing, Pneumonia or bronchitis, Weight loss, Loss of appetite, Fatigue, Bone pain, Dizziness or double vision, Numbness or tingling in your arms or legs, Turning yellow (jaundice) and Seizures.
Once the patient is doubted with possibility of lung cancer, the doctor suggests some tests for the diagnosis like Chest X-rays, CT scan, and sputum cytology for examination of phlegm and Biopsy. If the patient is diagnosed with lung cancer, the physicians start the treatment depending on the stage of the disease. The cancer specialists categorize it into types examining the nature of the cells. After proper diagnosis of the disease as well the patient the doctors start the treatment of cancer disease like any other treatment of cancer. The treatments of lung cancer are surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, Targeted Therapies/Biologic Therapies, Photodynamic Therapy, Follow-up testing.
Cancer treatment in India is now affordable and Apollo cancer centers provide quality cancer treatments to all types of cancer.
Cancer Symptoms Cancer Treatment
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Cancer Disease Information
Cancer in medical term known as malignant neoplasm is a diseases in which a group of cells displays uncontrolled growth, invasion and metastasis that spread to other locations in the body through blood. The cancer differentiate these malignant properties from benign tumors, which are self limited, metastasize. Most cancers tumor like leukemia, do not. The medicine concerned through study, treatment, diagnosis and oncology is the prevention of cancer. Cancer might be affected people at all ages, fetuses. The risk for most varieties increases with age. Cancer causes about 30% of all deaths. As per to the (ACS) American Cancer Society, 7.6 million people has been died from cancer all over the world in 2007. Cancers mey affect all animals as well.
The abnormalities caused of all cancers in the genetic material of the transformed cells. These abnormalities occurs due to the effects of carcinogens :
* Tobacco smoke
* Radiation
* Chemicals
* Infectious agents
* DNA replication
* Inherited
Usually the heritability of cancers are affected through complex interactions between carcinogens and the genome. Modern aspects of the genetics cancer pathogenesis, such as DNA methylation, and microRNAs. Diagnosis requires the histologic examine by a pathologist of a tissue biopsy specimen, the initial indication of malignancy may be symptoms or radiographic imaging abnormalities.
Most cancers may be treated and few cured, that depends on specific type, stage and location. After diagnosis, usually cancer is treated with a combination of surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy. As research develops, treatments are becoming more specific for different types of cancer. In the development of targeted therapy drugs significant progress has been done that act specially on detectable molecular abnormalities in tumors, which recuces damage to normal cells. The cancer prognosis patients is influenced by the one of cancer type, and the stage as well, or disease extent. In addition, the presence of specific molecular markers and histologic grading can also be useful in prognosis, determining individual treatments as well.
Cancer Cancer Treatment Cancer surgery
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Breast cancer information
is the ductal carcinoma forms in ducts and lobular carcinoma.
Breast cancer can be describes in the following manner:
*Grade of tumor
*Protein and gene expression
*Tumor stage
Chance of developing breast cancer depends on increasing age, risks in off springs, radioactive rays and harmful chemicals may increased the risk of breast disease. There are two types of cancer found that is Ductal carcinoma and Lobular carcinoma. According to a survey its found that 80% of cases of breast cancer developed lump feelings in women. The lump found in nodes of lymph which is placed in armpits.
Symptoms of breast cancer:
*Changes in breast shape and size
*nipple inversion
*single nipple discharge
*skin dimpling
*Breast pain
Breast pain, redness and warmth, swelling, orange peel skin on whole breast are the symptoms of Inflammatory breast cancer. Breast cancer treatment is done by surgery with hormonal therapy, radiotherapy and chemotherapy.
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Breast cancer Breast cancer treatment Breast cancer symptoms Breast surgery
Monday, December 15, 2008
Lung Cancer Information
Symptoms of Lung Cancer:
* Shortness of breath
* Coughing up blood
* Weight loss
* Chest pain
* Shortness of breath
* New onset hoarseness
* Pneumonia or bronchitis
* Loss of appetite
* Fatigue
* Bone pain
* Dizziness or double vision
* Numbness or tingling in your arms or legs
* Turning yellow
* Seizures
Types of lung cancer:
* Small cell lung carcinoma
* Non-Small cell lung carcinoma
The treatment available for Small cell lung carcinoma is surgery and non-small cell lung carcinoma are treated by radiation or chemotherapy. Another options for treatment is radiotherapy, chemotherapy and surgery. Lung cancer might be occured in non smokers and may affected by air pollution, genetic factors and asbestos. Lung cancer treatment depends upon the prognosis type of cancer, stage of cancer and performance status as well. The diagnosis of lung cancer is done by biopsy and CT Scan.
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Lung cancer Lung cancer treatment Symptoms of lung cancer
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Cancer Information
The cancer is a type of diseases found almost non curable disease may be found in both men and women that is generally caused by some cell disorders in the body or sometimes its occured in the form of tumor or luekemia. Such type of disease can be occured at all ages and seriously affected to human beings. The American Cancer Society has been declared that 7.6 million people have died due to cancer. The main reason of cancer is abnormalities by genetic material. These abnormalities would be generated whenever effects of carcinogens occured like smoking, tobacco, chemical rediations.
Now a days lots of modern medical techniques are invented by medical sciences and some positives results were found due to medical treatments of cancer. This treatment has been done by surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy.
Cancer diseases are generally classified in the following way:
*Blood Cancer
*Lung Cancer
*Brain Cancer
*Breast Cancer
*Skin Cancer
*Stomach Cancer
*Liver Cancer
*Kidney Cancer
*Prostate Cancer
*Rectal Cancer
*Ovary Cancer
*Pancreas Cancer
*Esophageal Cancer
*Colon Cancer
*Cervical Cancer
*Lymphoblastic Leukaemia
In comparison to other countries, India has become a fastest growing country in medical sector that provided best medical facilities around the world for a decades. There are lots of abroad patient got done medial treatment with 100% satisfaction in India. The Apollo Hospital and Cancer Research Institute in India provided world class medical surgeries at affordable medial costs without waiting time frame. India has been famous for medical tourism due to lots of tourists attractions like naturality, greenary, forts and historical places with medical treatment.
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Cancer treatment in india Cancer information Cancer symptoms Cancer center
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Cosmetic surgery in india
Cosmetic Face Lift Surgery :
A pointed nose or prominent cheekbones or fuller lips are commonly associated with beautiful face but healthy and glowing skin tops the list. To this desire of attaining youthful skin, science has found solutions and thus now it is possible to correct and enhance all the features of human face. A surgical sub- specialty, Face Lift is a scientific blessing to the modern world.
Are you professionally associated with fashion or television world or just a common person disgusted with the lines getting more visible on your face? Plastic surgery is the right answer to all your queries for enhancing your face as it provides a permanent and satisfactory solution.
Face Lift for Adults:
With age human face develops various lines and wrinkles which are always undesired but now they can be removed with the help of Face Lift technology which is also known as Rhytidectomy. Those wrinkles and drooping skin can be removed by undergoing a single treatment. What can be more beneficial then that? The surgery redefines a person’s entire appearance by refreshing the skin and changing the contours of the face, thus is far better than make-up which is comparatively inconsistent and can also be hazardous for the skin.
Procedure of Face Lift:
The procedure of face lift can either be performed by injecting the patient with intravenous sedation or with general anesthesia depending upon what suits your metabolism. This surgery will avail you with a wrinkleless skin as the procedure involves tapering the facial and neck muscles. The surgeon while performing the surgery makes limited incisions which often begins in the hairline at the temples and continues around the ear finally ending in the lower scalp.
In order to provide completely flawless skin the incisions are made at such areas which later can be concealed under the hairline. Thereafter the fat from your face will be redistributed on the face, jowls and neck and thus repositioning the deeper layers of the face and lifting the dispositional facial muscles. Lastly the surgeon will drape the skin over those uplifted contours and the left out skin is trimmed away.
This procedure will also remove any kind of glut skin that you might be having in order to rejuvenate the skin leaving a refreshing look to your face. In other cases the surgery is helpful at removing the excessive facial skin and tightening the underlying tissues if required and thus cleanses the skin from within.
In the current scenario regarding medical treatments, India is one country which offers various lucrative aspects. The country has one of the highest populations of efficient practitioners and thus the country offers an affordable price for receiving cosmetic surgery. The country also assures its guests lesser waiting periods and thus getting done your face lift surgery in India is surely a very lucrative deal.
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