Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Snacks for healthy life

"Eat Healthy Live Healthy" - Healthy food makes your life better with choosy taste....

1) Think of this as a gourmet cook's PB & J. Spread 1 tablespoon of cashew butter on a slice of Ryvita Fruit Crunch. (Or substitute peanut butter and Triscuits.) Drizzle with 1/2 tablespoon honey and top with sliced strawberries. Nut butters are full of heart-healthy monounsaturated fats.

2) Roll a thin slice of prosciutto or ham around a part-skim mozzarella string cheese. Eat with a few olives, grapes, and roasted bell peppers (from a jar) drizzled with balsamic vinegar. Contains almost a quarter of a woman's 1,000-milligram recommended daily allowance for calcium.

3) Combine about 1/4 cup dried pineapple pieces with about 25 pistachio nuts. (For a treat, use chile-lime pistachio nuts, available at specialty stores.) Other winning dried-fruit-and-nut combos: raisins and peanuts, apricots and almonds, cherries and hazelnuts. Pineapple and nuts are both good sources of antioxidants.

4) Slice an apple, such as Fuji or Granny Smith, and top with 1/2 cup of low-fat cottage cheese (look for 4-ounce four-packs from Breakstone). Or replace the fresh apple with two drained cinnamon-spiced apple rings, such as Musselman's (which can be found in the canned-fruit aisle). Provides protein, calcium, and fiber.

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